Orchestra Concerto Competition

Chairman: Douglas Guiles, 10359 Cullen Terrace, Columbia, MD, 21044

Committee: Wendy Dengler, Janice Puckett

Competition Date: Saturday, November 2, 2024

Electronic Deadline: Friday October 4, 2024 – No later than 10:00 PM

Fee: $20 per movement (All fees in one teacher check made out to GLMTA and mailed directly to Treasurer Wendy Dengler postmarked no later than October 5th – And please e-mail Wendy and chair to say that “Check is in the Mail”)

Concerto Concert: November 9 at 6:00 PM – Normally no Rehearsal.  Each teacher will conduct the orchestra for their own students

Literature: This event has set literature – see separate list of pieces and entry levels for 2024 competition.

Cadenzas: Unless otherwise stated, students may perform any cadenza of their choice for all concerti. 

Eligibility: Students of teacher members. Students may enter a maximum of two movements. Adults may enter non-competitive for solo literature but may compete in the 2 piano category.

 Accompanists: Teachers may play for their own students or provide another accompanist.

Awards: Performers and Alternates will receive plaques. Performer plaques go to person actually performing. Students MUST stay to the end of the concert to receive their performance plaques.

Preliminary Estimate: In order to plan for judges and venues, teachers MUST submit a preliminary list of the number of students expected to enter each movement  no later than September 30th. See form for this electronic estimate.

Memory: Required for all Concertos except two-piano concertos.

Winners: Winners will perform with Chamber Ensemble. All entrants receive a critique. Judges do not have to select a winner if no performance is deemed secure enough for public performance. Performance winners (including alternates who actually perform at the honors concert) must move to the next level in subsequent years. Level Six performance winners must stay out for 1 year, but may enter at level six the following year. Students may only compete if they agree to perform on the Concerto Concert if they are selected as a 1st Place  winner.

TEACHERS agree to be available to help (a minimum of four hours) the day of the competition if entering students as well as attend rehearsals and concerts if students are performing.  

Laurel Concerto Literature for 2024

Alexander Peskanov:   Concerto No. 20  (All movements) — Available from Janice Puckett on special order only – This is a limited edition and copies will be numbered – cost $30

Betsy Jo Angebranndt Youth Concerto No. 3 – (All movements) Available from Wendy Dengler for $15 – this is also a special order limited edition.

Josef Haydn Concertino in C Major Hob. XIV: 11 (All Movements) —  Henle Edition

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart:    Concerto K. 413 in F major (All movements) and Two Piano Concerto in E Flat Major K365 in C Major (1st Movement) – Any Editions

Ludwig van Beethoven: Concerto no. 4 in G major Op. 58 (2nd movement) — Any Edition

Matthew Edwards: Concerto for Young Pianists in D minor (All movements) Hal Leonard

Concertos by Level

Level I: (6th Grade and Under):  Angebranndt Concerto No. 3 (All movements)

Level II: (8thth Grade and Under): Haydn Concertino in C major Hob. XIV: 11 (All Mvts)

Level III: (10th Grade and Under), Edwards Concerto for Young Pianists (All  Mvts)

Level IV: (10th Grade and Under):   Peskanov Concerto no. 20 (2nd Mvt ),  Beethoven Concerto no. 4 in G Major (2nd Mvt)  

Level V: (12th Grade and Under):  Mozart K. 413 (2nd Mvs), Peskanov concerto no. 20 (1st and 3rd Mvts)

Level VI: (12th Grade and under):  Mozart K. 413 (1st and 3rd Mvt)

TWO PIANO CONCERTO:  (Any Age)  Mozart Concerto for 2 pianos (1st Mvt)  (Memory not Required)

Purchasing copies of Peskanov and Angebranndt:  Peskanov available from Janice Puckett, Wendy Dengler, or Douglas Guiles. Copies will be numbered.  No copies will be mailed.  All copies of the music must be paid for in advance and are non-returnable.  Both teachers and students must purchase their own copies of the music.  The first copy purchased will be considered the teacher’s copy.  All proceeds from the sale of this music will be paid to the composers as commission/royalties. Additional tax-deductible contributions towards this commission are welcome. We are most fortunate to have commissioned over the last 29 years 34 concerti written specifically for our  group – that includes one each by Kevin Hobbs and Michael McBride, two by Matthew Edwards, Six by Mary Ann Parker, five by Betsy Jo Angebranndt and nineteen by Alexander Peskanov