“Music Through the Ages” Theme Festival
GLMTA is elated to offer this event to the greater Maryland area for the 2024-2025 teaching year. This year we will be given the opportunity to explore music and its evolution through history.
Chairperson: Yee-Ning Soong, ningsy23@gmail.com
Festival Date: Saturday, February 8, 2025
Application and Video Deadlines: Friday, January 17, 2025. Email Trophy Cup form and entry form.
Entry Forms: Use excel spreadsheet from website
Fee: $5 per performer, including adults and teachers. ONE TEACHER CHECK to be mailed to the Treasurer Wendy Dengler no later than January 18 with an email to Wendy and the Chair saying the check is in the mail.
Literature: one solo (any instrument is permissible) or ensemble composition (up to one each from any student) from any composer, from any time period.
**Special Notes for Music Through the Ages** Teachers can fill out the spreadsheet given on the website along with their students. Teachers can also direct students to fill out a form on Google Forms (see below) where they can enter their notes on their piece; student answers on the form will be sent to teachers in spreadsheet format for quality verification.
Please note the Google Form for your students to fill out will be taken down a week before teacher registrations are due. This is intended as an aid for teachers to get registrations together, so this will allow time for teachers to compile individual replies and do a quality check before turning their studio registration over to the chairperson. If you have questions or concerns, please contact the chair.
1. Registration should make note of each student’s preference of a 3 hour window on Saturday, February 8, 2025 during which they can attend the recital. The chair will try her best to accommodate all requests, but it is not guaranteed. Most programs will be approximately 45 minutes long. You must attend the whole program to be given the participation point towards the GLMTA Trophy Cup.
2. In the event of a virtual recital, students will upload their pre-recorded video to YouTube and send their teacher the YouTube link, who will then enter the video link along with other registration information to the shared spreadsheet. Be sure to remind students to set privacy to “unlisted”, set COPPA setting for “not for children”.
1. Registration should make note of each student’s preference of a 3 hour window on Saturday, February 10, 2024 that they can attend the recital. Most programs will be approximately 45 minutes long. You must attend the whole program to be given the participation point(s).
2. In the event of a virtual recital, students will upload their pre-recorded video to YouTube and send their teacher the YouTube link, who will then enter the video link along with other registration information to the shared spreadsheet. Remind students to set privacy to “unlisted”, set COPPA setting for “not for children”.